Tiger’s Eye is a semi-precious variety of quartz exhibiting chatoyancy, a vertical luminescent band like that of a cat’s eye. Tiger’s eye is formed when parallel veins of crocidolite (blue asbestos) fibres are first altered to iron oxides and then replaced by silica. As a result it is more opaque, and has a rich yellow to brown colour. When cut en cabuchon , the gem has a fine lustre. The major source of Tiger’s Eye is Griquatown West, in South Africa. It is also found at Wittenoom Gorge, Western Australia.
It is said that Roman soldiers wore engraved Tiger’s eye to protect them in battle, and it is still used as a protective stone. Tiger’s Eye deals with issues of self-worth, self-criticism, and blocked creativity; and is excellent for people who are spaced out or uncommitted. Facilitating correct use of power, Tiger’s Eye supports integrity and assists in accomplishing goals. It differentiates between wishful thinking and what one really needs, and assists in recognizing other people’s needs..
Tiger Eye offers protection against the evil eye and enhances mental and intuitive abilities through the third eye chakra. It also has detoxification properties and is beneficial for children struggling with focus or sleep issues.
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